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pregnant mom holding her belly with her gace downward wearing a lacy flowy tan dress standing on a brown backdrop
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The journey to parenthood is an incredible adventure filled with anticipation and excitement. You yearn to catch a glimpse of your growing bundle of joy before their much-anticipated arrival. I’m a photographer so I fully understand and believe in the importance of pictures. Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, 3D ultrasound has become a […]

See your Baby in a 3D Ultrasound in Colorado Springs


pregnant mom in a flowy maroon dress holding her belly standing in front of a grey backdrop
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Attending a birthing class is a crucial step in preparing for the journey of childbirth. Through interactive sessions, you learn about the various stages of labor. You will get detailed information about pain management techniques and the role of partners during delivery. With so many other decisions to make during pregnancy, let me help point […]

Empowering Birthing Classes in Colorado Springs


a pregnant mom wearing an off the shoulder blue fited dress standing holding her belly in front of a blue backdrop
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Inside of you is a tiny human, growing and about to change your life. That’s so amazing! Your pregnancy and birthing experience will be among the most cherished moments you experience. It’s a magical and memorable time that can also be filled with lots of questions and concerns. You want everything to go as it […]

Your Birth Journey Resources at A Caring Pregnancy Center

Maternity, Newborn

young pregnant mom wearing a purple dress with a long skirt with one hand on her back and the other on the top of her belly standing on a grey background
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Having 5 kids of my own and now getting to photography maternity clients, I know how excited you get to see that little person. The 9 months can feel like forever and you usually only get one ultrasound with your medical provider. Times and technology has changed though and now there are private companies that […]

The Best Place for a 3d Ultrasound in Pueblo


pregnant woman in light blue off the shoulder dress standing in front of a cream backdrop holding her pregnant belly gently gazing at the floor
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Growing a new life is a big endeavor. Whether it’s your first or your fifth, choosing a medical professional to help you throughout the process is a crucial piece. If you’ve never used a midwife then let me tell you, they provide amazing care and support. I used one for four of my pregnancies and […]

The 3 Best Midwives in Pueblo CO For Expectant Mothers!

Family, Maternity

a young mom and dad sitting on a log in City Park Pueblo with their toddler sitting between them
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When it comes to your little one(s) and finding a great pediatrician in Pueblo CO, you definitely want the best of the best. When choosing a pediatrician, you’ll want to make sure you make a choice you feel comfortable with. Your kid’s health and wellness are essentially in their hands, and you’ll want to be sure […]

The 3 Best Pediatricians in Pueblo, CO For Your Little Ones

Family, Maternity, Newborn

close up of a sleeping newborn baby in a brown wrap with a brown sleepy cap holding a tiny teddy bear
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Amidst the beautiful chaos of brining a newborn home, one of the most significant parts of early motherhood is a successful breastfeeding journey. While breastfeeding is a natural process, it can often come with challenges and uncertainties.  I know with my five kids it was something I was excited to do but didn’t come as […]

Find a Great Lactation Consultant in Pueblo, Co

Family, Maternity, Newborn

pregnant woman in an off the shoulder blue fitted dress standing holding her bump looking at the ground
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Let’s face it, pregnant or not, you want to look your best and feel comfortable doing it. When you are pregnant this becomes even more important and can get challenging. With all the options out there, where can you go locally and online to find good-quality fashionable outfits that will leave you feeling amazing. Let’s […]

Best Places for Maternity Clothes in Pueblo, CO


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