The Best Place for a 3d Ultrasound in Pueblo

young pregnant mom wearing a purple dress with a long skirt with one hand on her back and the other on the top of her belly standing on a grey background

Having 5 kids of my own and now getting to photography maternity clients, I know how excited you get to see that little person. The 9 months can feel like forever and you usually only get one ultrasound with your medical provider. Times and technology has changed though and now there are private companies that offer ultrasound services. Just think how much fun is would be to get 3d ultrasound in Pueblo of your growing little peanut. Let’s take a look at what Sweet Baby of Mine HD Ultrasound Studio here in Pueblo has to offer.

3d Ultrasound in Pueblo

What is it?

At Sweet Baby of Mine, they have 2D/3D/4D/HD elective ultrasound packages to meet your needs. So what is a 3D ultrasound anyway? How is it different than your doctor’s office one.

In a 2D ultrasound, you see a black and white image of the skeletal structure and it makes internal organs visible. Unlike the flat image given by a 2D ultrasound, a 3D ultrasound is the more classic cozy pictures expectant parents want. The pictures are three-dimensional and can show the baby’s facial features and body shapes. A 3D is a still image while 4D/HD adds the dimension of motion, so it looks like a video. If you’re lucky, you might even get to see your baby yawn with a 4D.

When to Get One

This is going to depend on what you’re hoping to see. They have many mothers that like to come twice during their pregnancy. One early on, 15-26 weeks, and then again at 25-34 weeks. The early one allows you to see the baby as a whole and the later on one will show more detail in your baby’s face. Something to keep in mind is that after 34 weeks, it becomes more and more difficult to get good pictures since your baby is running out of room. However, each baby is different ant they have been able to get great images all the way up to 39 weeks. It is best to plan ahead though for the best outcome.

Are they Safe?

The ultrasounds they offer use the same frequency as your doctor uses in the normal 2D ultrasound. In the 35 years since ultrasounds started being used there have been no proven side effects from its proper use. To help you feel even more at ease they strictly adhere to the FDA’s standards.

Extra Fun Things

It doesn’t have to just be your significant other that goes with you. They are happy to have you invite family and friends to share this special moment with. Do you have other children that want to come along? Bring them as well! They provide plenty of toys and books to keep them entertained.

There’s one last note and really fun product they offer. Heartbeat animals. They have a large variety of adorable stuffed animals that come with a 20 second recorder. You can record the heartbeat to play for a lifetime. What a great way to remember this moment in your life.

young pregnant mom wearing an off the shoulder black dress with one hand on her back and the other on the top of her belly standing on a grey background

Sweet Baby of Mine HD Ultrasound Studio

Whether your first or your fifth, getting a 3d ultrasound in Pueblo can be a really fun and memorable way to celebrate the journey you’re on. With easy scheduling and a very supportive staff, Sweet Baby of Mine is a great place to make that happen.

Once you’ve gotten to see your growing little peanut, it’s time to think about newborn pictures. Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered on that front. I specialize in capturing gorgeous memories you’ll cherish for a lifetime. If you’ve been trying to find the right person for your family, I’d love to connect! Contact me today to find out more! 

Looking for more maternity content? Check these other blog posts out.


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